Thursday, May 8, 2014

Jewish Folktales Test

We will have a test on these 7 Jewish Folktales:
‘The Rich Man’s Reward’                 
‘The Crowded House’
‘The Special Ingredient’                     
‘The Hiding Place’
‘Never Afraid Again’                         
‘The Smell of Money’
‘The Inquisitor’s Test’

The test will be on...

EXP 7-1   Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 (Day 4)
EXP 7-2   Thursday, May 15th, 2014 (Day 2)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Purim Songs

Click on the song titles below to listen to these Purim songs:

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Pirkei Avot Test

We will have a test on the 12 sayings from Pirkei Avot in Hebrew and English on...

EXP 7(1)  Thursday, February 13 (Day 4)
EXP 7(2)  Tuesday, February 18 (Day 6)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Pirkei Avot Posters

Students will each make a poster based on a saying from Pirkei Avot.

Each poster must have:
a) the saying in Hebrew
b) the saying in English
c) an image that illustrates the meaning of the saying

The minium size for the poster is 40 cm x 55 cm.
Posters will be marked based on creativity, attractiveness, and correct spelling.
Due date: February 21st, 2014 (Friday; Day 3)
(-10% per day late)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Pirkei Avot Notes

Pirkei Avot is a book that contains many wise Jewish sayings. We will study 12 of them.
Each of you will need to hand in your notes containing the 12 sayings in Hebrew and English and all assignments on Pirkei Avot. Spelling and neatness will count for marks. The due date for handing in your Pirkei Avot notes is Tuesday, February 4th (Day 3).