Tuesday, September 10, 2013

11-year-old Robber Assignment

Here is your first assignment in EXP. Answer these questions.

1) What do you think should happen to an 11-year-old who robbed a bank using a gun? Explain.

2) What are three things that sending a person to prison accomplishes? Include at least one thing that is accomplished for the person who did the crime and at least one thing that is accomplished for society.

You may either use a printer for this assignment, or write it by hand (on lined paper). Include the date at the top left of the page, and your first and last name (in Hebrew & English) and class (7-01 or 7-02) at the top right of the page. Include a title (11-Year-Old Robber) and underline it.

Include the questions. Use double spacing, and write using complete sentences. Make sure that your spelling and grammar are correct.

This assignment is due to be handed in at the start of class on...
EXP 7-1  Monday, September 16th (Day 4; Period 1)
EXP 7-2  Thursday, September 12th (Day 2; Period 7)

[10% will deducted for each day late]